Minimum of 6 participants, Maximum of 10 participants
Mosaic your very personal expression of one of Debra’s signature surfaces, the Big Beautiful Bird. This substrate is custom made from furniture grade plywood, hanging hardware installed, with a raised 3D wing perfect for making a dimensional mosaic. At 17” long, this substrate works beautifully for glass, beads, tiles, and all kinds of materials to make your Big Beautiful Bird into a stunning work of art.
·handcrafted wood substrate with hanging hardware installed
scrap glass, tiles, misc. tesserae
filler, baubles, beads
glass cutting tools, wire cutters
Mixed materials e.g.jewelry, beads, earrings, plastic, shells, wood, pearls, metal, china, etc. that you may want to add
Apoxie Sculpt in a complimentary color, available at Avesstudio.com
Stained glass if you have specific color in mind
If you are in need of more fancy items and more this-and-that to put in your mixed media mosaic, Debra is now curating Custom Collections for purchase. She has been collecting for many years and would be happy to put together a package for you. She will select treasures from her studio to include flowers, leaves, baubles and beads designed around your desired color palette and based on your budget. She will collaborate with you and share photos. She can bring those to your workshop or ship if you prefer. If this interests you, email Debra at Debra@DebraMagerMosaics.com to start shopping!